
Price list 2025

All prices are published without VAT
Prices are index-linked and are reviewed every three months.
Last updated 1st of January 2025
Prices are subject to change and typing errors

Our goal is to simplify your operation and lower operating costs with the principles of shared ecosystem so entrepreneurs and food producers can focus on the task at hand.

Eldstæðið (The Hearth) is a community of producers and food enthusiasts. We highly recommend becoming a member from the start to enjoy all the benefits we have to offer.

Every producer at Eldstæðið need to complete an introduction course, which entails info about the setup of the facility, food safety, production rules, known allergens, booking system for slots and in general what it means to work in a shared kitchen space.


Every produver at Eldstæðið has to be a member. Membership fee for the first year is paid in advance. After the first year, the membership fee 5.000 ISK is paid on a monthly basis according to the pricelist, while they have their license and access to Eldstæðið. See details below for further details about what is included in the membership fee.

Membership fee (annual fee)First year
90.000 ISK
pr year after first year
60.000 ISK
Advisory fee, pr hour18.900 ISK
Cleaning fee (fine) from15.000 ISKdepends on scope

Price pr. hour, booking period each month is the 25th. – 24th. of each month.
Payments are due on the 1st of each month and deadline 5th of each month.

Size of producerHrs pr. monthPrep (no cooking)Cooking or prep (mix)
The tester0 – 4 hrs2.755 kr / hr3.680 kr / hr
Experimental5 – 8 hrs2.595 kr / hr3.450 kr / hr
Beginner9 – 16 hrs2.450 kr / hr3.335 kr / hr
Entrepreneur17 – 32 hrs2.425 kr / hr3.220 kr / hr
Small producer33 – 64 hrs2.250 kr / hr3.175 kr / hr
Big producer65 – 128 hrs2.150 kr / hr3.110 kr / hr

Work stations have to be cancelled with a minimum 2 day (48 hrs) notice other wise you pay for the booked slot.

Included in fee is the following:

  • Access to one working station for 2-3 employees (either prep or mix)
  • Most common machines and tools for food production (equipment list)
  • Fridge- and/or freezer storage space during production.
  • Hairnets, aprons, disposable gloves and other cleaning supplies to necessary to ensure cleanliness and food safety. 

Price for bigger equipment:

EquipmentStartup feepr hr
Blast chiller / freezer750 kr500 kr
Baking oven650 kr
Wet dispenser650 kr
Dry dispenser650 kr
Bag sealer650 kr
Labelling machine650 kr
Guitar cutter250 kr

Price of storage space:

Dry storagePer monthFridgePer monthFreezerPer month
Half shelf / small shelf
60 cm x 45 cm
3.950 krOne shelf
53×65 cm
8.850 krOne shelf
53×65 cm
9.950 kr
Whole shelf
120 cm x 45 cm
7.350 krHalf fridge
(2 shelves)
17.000 krHalf freezer
(2 shelves)
19.000 kr
Whole rack (4 shelves)
120 cm x 45 cm
26.000 krWhole fridge
4 shelves,700 ltr
31.000 krWhole freezer
4 shelves,700 ltr
36.000 kr
Other equipmentper agreementOwn fridge 11.000 kr Own freezer 13.000 kr

Membership – What is included

  • Food safety course for two employees, paid for 3rd, 4th etc.
  • Skeleton for a quality manual, reports and other documents you need in order to get your license
  • Access to shared spaces, wifi, printer, coffee & tea
  • Eldstæðið staff on-site for receiving deliveries (Mon-Thur 9-13)
  • Access to events held by Eldstæðið
  • Introduction of products/members on social media of Eldstæðið
  • Renewal of food safety course free of charge
  • Assistance with getting started and network

Other requirements, special events, whole space or something else?

Contact us at info@eldstaedid.is, our mobile +354 776 7007 or on FB messanger for more info.

Equipment list*

*The list is a work in process and is subject to change as the project and services at Eldstæðið evolve.

  • Steam oven, 10 tray (2 pcs)
  • Stove (1 pc)
  • Fridge, 700 ltr (3 pcs)
  • Freezer, 700 ltr (3 pcs)
  • Blast chiller / freezer, 10 tray
  • Walk in cooler (small)
  • Dishwasher
  • Counter with refrigerator (2 pcs)
  • Mixer, small
  • Mixer, medium
  • Mixer, large
  • Induction stove, free standing (2 pcs)
  • Kitchen scales
  • Hand blender
  • Food processor
  • Trolleys (4 pcs)
  • Cutting boards
  • Gastro trays and baking sheets
  • Pots and pans
  • Bowls and sifters
  • Measuring cups, whisks, ladles, spoons and other small utensils
  • Open shelves in dry storage

Cleaning supplies

  • Disposable gloves
  • Trash bags
  • Hearnets
  • Aprons
  • Tissues and rags
  • Disinfectants and other cleaning materials